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Join OSHPWe’ve said it before but we can’t help but say it again.OSHP can provide leadership, education, and services; but there is a greater influence in numbers. The Society needs your ideas and energy for the growth and development of our profession. Together we will advance our professional practice. Together we can make things happen. CLICK TO APPLY ONLINE!ActivitiesThe society provides several CE programs throughout the year as part of its Northern and Southern Chapter meetings. The meetings begin first with a review of chapter business, which allows officers to communicate and discuss important issues with members in person. The Technician Chapter also holds its own combined chapter business and CE meetings six times annually. OSHP publishes its own newsletter, Interactions, bimonthly. It serves to keep members up-to-date regarding pharmaceutical, legal, and organizational topics. Since 1998 the society collaborates with OSPA and OAHHS via the Statewide Pharmacy Coalition. The three organizations united to increase the strength and coherency of legislative advocacy on initiatives important to pharmacists. OSHP actively monitors and lobbies on initiatives involving Medicare medication management services, technician licensure, pharmacist provider status, and foreign drug importation. Benefits of Membership
Applying for MembershipWe’ve said it before but we can’t help but say it again. OSHP can provide leadership, education, and services; but there is a greater influence in numbers. The Society needs your ideas and energy for the growth and development of our profession. Together we will advance our professional practice. Together we can make things happen. A one-year membership entitles you to attend bi-monthly CE meetings for free (meal included), discounts on fees for attending the Fall and Annual Seminars (which provide major CE and networking opportunities), opportunities to participate in planning society events and activities as well as developing leadership skills by volunteering for leadership positions, updates on state-wide pharmacy related issues via newsletter, and virtual access to other members at all times via the OSHP Sections. CLICK TO APPLY ONLINE!Pharmacist Member - $175Available to any pharmacist supporting the goals and objectives of OSHP. All Active membership categories receive publications and general communications of the Society, may attend meetings, vote and hold elective office. New Practitioner Pharmacist Member - $100 Retired Pharmacist Member - $80 Supporting Member - $175 Technician Member - $40 New Practitioner Technician Member - $40 Pharmacy Student Member - $25 Click Here For a Printable ApplicationIf you would like more information about the organization before signing up, please send an email to [email protected] and we’ll get right back to you (within 2 business days) with the information you’re looking for. OSHP dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes, but may be partially deductible as a business expense. OSHP estimates that 50% of your dues are not deductible because of OSHP’s lobbying activities on behalf of its members. |