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OSHP Professional Relations Council Meeting
Thursday, December 21, 2023, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM PST
Category: Council/Committee

OSHP Professional Relations Council Meeting

Date: Third Thursday of every month
Time: 6:00 - 7:00 pm PST
Location: Microsoft Teams
Please email [email protected] if you need the meeting access link.

What is  Professional Relations Council (PRC)
The Council on Professional Relations is responsible for professional and scientific matters including the development and improvement of the professional practice of pharmacy in hospitals and related institutions, the development of standards, guides and related materials, and cooperation with allied organizations and agencies.  With its subcommittees of Newsletter and Legal & Regulatory Affairs, PRC extends is responsibilities to include public outreach and support, improving communication within the Society and between its partners, and reviewing and interpreting proposed legislation and current law changes that affect public health and pharmacy practice.

Click here for more information.