OSHP Member Benefits


The society provides several CE programs throughout the year as part of its Northern and Southern Chapter meetings. The meetings begin first with a review of chapter business, which allows officers to communicate and discuss important issues with members in person. The Technician Chapter also holds its own combined chapter business and CE meetings six times annually. OSHP publishes its own newsletter, Interactions, bimonthly. It serves to keep members up-to-date regarding pharmaceutical, legal, and organizational topics. Since 1998 the society collaborates with OSPA and OAHHS via the Statewide Pharmacy Coalition. The three organizations united to increase the strength and coherency of legislative advocacy on initiatives important to pharmacists. OSHP actively monitors and lobbies on initiatives involving Medicare medication management services, technician licensure, pharmacist provider status, and foreign drug importation.

The society also hosts two statewide meetings each year, the Fall and Annual Seminars. The Fall Seminar is a daylong event typically held in Portland. A variety of clinical education programs are offered that appeal to pharmacists practicing in ambulatory and hospital settings alike. There is also a student specific track, which provides information about residency programs and career opportunities for new graduates. Students can obtain specific information about residency programs in Oregon at the residency showcase exhibit. Of course throughout the day it is possible for attendees to spend time visiting an array of exhibits on display by local pharmaceutical representatives.

The Annual Seminar is a weekend long event typically held in the spring. The location varies but has in the past included such spots as the Coast, Central Oregon and foothills of Mt. Hood. CE topics are broad and cover areas like management, leadership, precepting, practice, and law. Programming for pharmacy technicians specifically is also offered. The seminar is organized with the idea of having fun in mind and thus members have the opportunity to play in a golf tournament or participate in a fun run while in attendance. A poster exhibit allows members who have completed research projects to share their results with others from around the state. Last but not least of all, as with the Fall Seminar there is an opportunity to visit an array of pharmaceutical exhibits in between sessions.

 Benefits of Membership

  • Continuing Education

  • Opportunities to network

  • Updates via newsletter about practice and legal issues plus news about society events

  • Access to other members for the exchange of ideas and information via a listserv

  • Opportunities to develop or hone leadership skills by volunteering for leadership positions

  • Access to promotional and educational materials

  • Legislative advocacy

  • Professional representation